Training Form Registration

    Applying for:
    Yoga TT Spring Batch (Weekends only)Yoga TT July Summer IntensiveYoga TT August Summer IntensiveMeditation Teacher Training Module 1Fall 2021 Batch Starting - Online Classes

    Personal Information

    First Name

    Last Name





    Date of Birth

    Please keep your answers brief and to the point

    1. How many years have you been practicing Yoga/Meditation?

    2. Please choose the most accurate choice below to describe your physical health.
    Please comment further on your health (only if necessary)

    3. Please choose the most accurate choice below to describe your mental/emotional health.
    Please comment further (only if necessary)

    4. Please reply yes or no for each below:
    Do you consider yourself:
    a) A team player?

    b) An active listener?

    c) Sensitive to the needs of others in a group situation?

    d. Strongly self aware?

    5. Briefly describe in point form, your educational/professional, work, training and recreational background.

    6. In one sentence, describe the effect yoga/meditation has had in your life?

    7. In one sentence, describe how you feel about sharing yoga/meditation with others?

    8. Please choose the most accurate description below to describe why are you applying to the program.
    To deepen your practice?To teach?Both?

    9. How did you hear about the VaibsMediYoga Teacher Training Program?