Surya Namaskar

VAIBSMEDIYOGAYoga and Meditation

Benefits of Surya NamaskarThe Sanskrit name Surya here refers to the sun and namaskar means salutations. The sun symbolizes spiritual consciousness and in ancient time was worshipped on a daily basis. In yoga, the sun is represented by Pingala Nadi (Right Channel), the pranic channel which carries the vital, life-giving force.Balancing Energy SystemThis dynamic group of asanas is not a …

Vrikshasana – Tree Pose

VAIBSMEDIYOGAYoga and Meditation

Virkshasana – Tree PoseVRIKSHASANA (Tree Pose) (vrk-shah-suh-nuh) The name comes from the Sanskrit words vriksa or vriksha meaning “tree” and asana meaning “posture”. Vrikshasana or tree pose is a wonderful pose that teaches balance while toning the muscles of the legs. This elegant pose is not as easy as it looks, but over time it builds tremendous inner and outer …

Yoga Teacher Training at VaibsMediYoga

VAIBSMEDIYOGAYoga Teacher Training

Hatha and Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingAt Vaibs MediYoga in MississaugaVaibs MediYoga is well known yoga studio in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. This is a place where one can learn yoga in a traditional way, as the main teachers are trained in Rishikesh, India. Yoga teacher training at Vaibs MediYoga is different from all others, and aspirants looking to build up a …