Why Yoga Is Necessary In Fall Season

Vaibhav ParasharYoga and Meditation

Why Yoga Is Necessary In Fall Season?Yoga Classes at Vaibs Mediyoga Are you missing summer already? Last week’s summer like weather seemed to disappear overnight! Such an abrupt change is a hallmark of both fall and life. Change can feel unsettling for many. You may experience a bit of frenzied feeling or a general desire to slow down and there …

Nasal Breathing For Better Health

Vaibhav ParasharPranayama - Breathing, Yoga and Meditation

Nasal Breathing Technique For Better HealthRole Of Yoga In Nasal BreathingBreathing is the most vital process of our life. What is interesting about breathing is that it is both a voluntary and an involuntary process. Our body breathes automatically, we also have the ability to consciously control our breathing – the speed, the depth and whether we breath through our …

Vrikshasana – Tree Pose

VAIBSMEDIYOGAYoga and Meditation

Virkshasana – Tree PoseVRIKSHASANA (Tree Pose) (vrk-shah-suh-nuh) The name comes from the Sanskrit words vriksa or vriksha meaning “tree” and asana meaning “posture”. Vrikshasana or tree pose is a wonderful pose that teaches balance while toning the muscles of the legs. This elegant pose is not as easy as it looks, but over time it builds tremendous inner and outer …